The 2022 Federal Election is over
June 15th, 2022We will be doing hard labour for the next three years.
What a mess the World is in.
What a mess the Country is in.
What a mess the State is in.
The last two and a half years have been the pits, and there doesnlt seem much joy ahead.
Two years on, no change
February 23rd, 2022Are untidy clearway signs that important during two years of the disaster of Covid?
Obviousily not, so apart from taking photos of the state of the signs over this time I haven't added to this site.
But the signs are still untidy and the question is, how much has been spent to do nothing over the last two years in relation to installation and maintenence contracts?
This earlier page gives a bit of history
It has photos of the old white signs, used before the Hi-Vis yellow ones.
where to now (
and speaking of old white signs, on the Prices Highway Kirrawee white clearway signs have made a comeback. Why?
Matt kean MP
Urgent product recall
May 24th, 2021Will Co-Vid be the excuse
May 14th, 2021
Since 2005
I have been trying to get a bit of common sense in the installation of a simple clearway sign by RMS contractors.
I have been very quiet on this website because of Co-Vid, because crooked clearway signs didn't seem that important, but I've noticed that RMS contractors have also been very quiet on maintenance on the Hi-Vis yellow signs.
This was the first time I mentioned the new Hi-Vis clearway signs in a letter to the Leader
and three of the clearway signs on
the bridge have ended up looking
like the one above.
I began to notice a change of attitude
of these new clearway signs
These two were on the Highway in Gymea
More and more new Hi-Vis signs were put up and the same thing happened
So I emaied the then ROADS MINISTER Duncan Gay
From: Hans Stephens <>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2016 8:57 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: : RMS installation incompetence
Dear Minister Gay,
I recently saw you on TV and you mentioned the new clearway times and the new signage between Blakehurst and Sutherland. The new clearway times have made a difference to traffic flow,
but the Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs I’m afraid are an eyesore, and to make matters worse the majority are now adopting jaunty angles. The signs are attached to a bracket with 2 bolts but the bracket is fastened to the power pole or its own metal pole with one bolt, so if the sign isn’t tightened correctly, it can pivot on the single bolt as can be seen in my photos.
There are old white clearway signs I’ve seen, also at angles, and are also fastened with one bolt.
A rethink in the fastening department is warranted. The bracket used now is over engineering and might have been good enough for the DMR and RTA but common sense is required in this age o f” innovation”
What is wrong with a Tech screw, top and bottom of the sign, fastened to the power pole using an 18 volt impact screw driver.
In the big scheme of things this is small potatoes, but 5 klms of these gaudy bright yellow (near new) clearway signs at crazy angles advertise, in Hi Vis for all to see , RMS incompetence.
Please get someone from the relevant department to have a look and get the job done right.
Last Sunday I drove to Church Point and noticed new Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs on Mona Vale through the West Ryde /Top Ryde area, that weren’t there Boxing day. and some of these signs are already adopting less than professional angles.
Hans Stephens
(address details)
As there was no luck with Mr Gay, I tried the next Road Minister Melinda Pavey with an email
October 22nd, 2019
I started my Quest over 4 years ago, and used this photo of a couple of old white clearway signs to show what happened to them, using only one bolt into the power pole
This is the scene end of July about 2 months later
On 18 October 2019 and this is how they look now. They? ....Yes the second clearway sign and the steel pole are missing
And a hole shows where it was. (the garden scraps up at the base of the power pole were in the hole)
The placement of the new stand alone metal pole in my opinion, wasn't really suitable .
A driver backing out onto busy Roberts road might be a bit distracted, and forget about the metal pole that was planted in the hole (circled)
It may have been better to have left the clearway sign on it's original power pole.
But I have a feeling that Ausgrid, and it's multi-national owners of "the poles and wires," may have upped the rent for signage on their poles, and the RMS is swapping over to the pipe poles, to save money.
Once again someone driving out of the driveway may have been distracted trying to get into the passing traffic.
It may have been better to have left this one also on it's original power pole?
Update: May 2021 that pole and sign are also gone now.
On the way home today. 22 Oct 019
Two more examples of why the brackets " holding up" clearway signs should have two bolts
Dear Minister Gay,
I recently saw you on TV and you mentioned the new clearway times and the new signage between Blakehurst and Sutherland. The new clearway times have made a difference to traffic flow,
but the Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs I'm afraid are an eyesore, and to make matters worse the majority are now adopting jaunty angles. The signs are attached to a bracket with 2 bolts but the bracket is fastened to the power pole or its own metal pole with one bolt, so if the sign isn't tightened correctly, it can pivot on the single bolt as can be seen in my photos.
There are old white clearway I've seen, also at angles, and are also fastened with one bolt. A rethink in the fastening department is warranted. The bracket used now is over engineering and might have been good enough for the DMR and RTA but common sense is required in this age of innovation
What is wrong with a Tech screw, top and bottom of the sign, fastened to the power pole using an 18 volt impact screw driver.
In the big scheme of things this is small potatoes, but 5 klms of these gaudy bright yellow (near new) clearway signs at crazy angles advertise ( in Hi Vis) for all to see , RMS incompetence.
Please get someone from the relevant department to have a look and get the job done right.
Last Sunday I drove to Church Point and noticed new Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs on Mona Vale through the West Ryde /Top Ryde area, that weren't there Boxing day. And some of these signs are already adopting less than professional angles.
Hans Stephens
This next link is to an earlier page that shows the spin I was supposed to accept, and go away.
Drama opposite Southgate
October 4th, 2019
The clearway sign was swapped from white to new Hi-Vis yellow August 2015
April 2016 .... Down
November 2016..... UP
5 January 2017.... down again
So I added something extra for passing traffic and
guess what I'm repeating myself here is an earlier page with more photos
September 28th, 2019
Down Blakehurst way on King Georges road new High -Vis yellow clearway signs were put up in June this year, replacing the old white ones.
I first saw these new ones two weeks after they were put up. (as explained in this previous post below.)
Believe me this clearway saga
has caused problems here at home over the last 4 years.
If a bit of common sense was used by the minders of Road Minsters Mr. Gay, or Ms Pavey, and now the effort to explain RMS incompentence by Mr Terry McSweeney/ Principal Manager Ministerial correspondence on behalf of the new Roads Minister Mr Andrew Constance.
The RMS " for the safety of maintainence crews" "can no longer drill into electricity poles"

Hi-Vis yellow ones were put up in July 2015, and ever since I have by phone email first to the then Road Minister Gay
Dear Minister Gay,
I recently saw you on TV and you mentioned the new clearway times and the new signage between Blakehurst and Sutherland. The new clearway times have made a difference to traffic flow,
but the Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs I'm afraid are an eyesore, and to make matters worse the majority are now adopting jaunty angles. The signs are attached to a bracket with 2 bolts but the bracket is fastened to the power pole or its own metal pole with one bolt, so if the sign isn't tightened correctly, it can pivot on the single bolt as can be seen in my photos.
There are old white clearway I've seen, also at angles, and are also fastened with one bolt. A rethink in the fastening department is warranted. The bracket used now is over engineering and might have been good enough for the DMR and RTA but common sense is required in this age of innovation
What is wrong with a Tech screw, top and bottom of the sign, fastened to the power pole using an 18 volt impact screw driver.
In the big scheme of things this is small potatoes, but 5 klms of these gaudy bright yellow (near new) clearway signs at crazy angles advertise ( in Hi Vis) for all to see , RMS incompetence.
Please get someone from the relevant department to have a look and get the job done right.
Last Sunday I drove to Church Point and noticed new Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs on Mona Vale through the West Ryde /Top Ryde area, that weren't there Boxing day. And some of these signs are already adopting less than professional angles.
Hans Stephens
and I emailed my local MP and then the NSW premier
Title: Mr This is the letter I mailed (with astamp)to Ms Pavey. The Hon. Melinda Pavey, MP hen (address details)....................... ,................................................................. "These signs provide "hi-vis" advertising of RMS incompetence" .................................................................. and every new section of replaced clearway signs have examples that look like these two below: This photo of those two "new signs" used many times on many previous posts, was taken 6 months after installation in Gymea, and started me on this mission. I thought the first email would fix the obvious problem, but how wrong I was. Obviousily the RMS needs help. This is a simple guide on how to put a RMS clearway sign on an overseas owned power pole, Step one After of course first taking the proper safety precautions, unbolt the RMS Hi-Vis yellow clearway sign from it's RMS bracket. Step Two bolt the RMS bracket that now has an extra hole, back onto the pole Step three make sure the RMS bracket is on the leval Step three put in the extra coach bolt Step four Refasten the Hi-Vis yellow RMS clearway sign back onto the RMS bracket, and the job's done. Before the Sydney Harbour Bridge was opened, to prove that the bridge was strong enough, most of Sydney's railway locomotives were rolled out onto the bridge, the bridge survived and to prove that 2 two fixing points on a clearway sign bracket can hold up a little aluminion sign, I hung 28lbs of weights onto the sign, and it didn't move leval What more can I say? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Anyone looking back on the nearly four years of pages on this site can understand my angst. I've said all along that this is an embarressment, and a waste of money Incompentece in Hi-Vis but would anyone listen? Just ignore him, and he will give up and go away. .................................................................................. to be continued................
First Name: hans
Last Name: stephens
Street address:
Suburb: Kirrawee
State: NSW
Postcode: 2232
Phone: 040
Type of enquiry: Message
Subject: This is not spam, please take seriously
Dear email sorter,
I did email the new roads minister, no reply
I did email my local Member
(whom I voted for)
= A................................................................................
Dear Mr Evans,
I sent an email to my old MP, Mr Kerr, and his office said my email would be forwarded onto you.
As I haven't had a reply from you to my RMS concerns, I will repeat them. The RMS is renewing old white clearway signs with new HiVis yellow
My website</a> explains it all, with photos of clearly incompetent installation of the new signs using rubbish brackets,
which didn't work with the old white signs either. I have emailed the new roads minister weeks ago, with no response.
All that needs to be done is for someone to take charge, scrap the old brackets, and use a bit of common sense, and two screws as shown in one
of my photos. Hope you can help, before they go right through NSW changing signs at great unnecessary expense to the taxpayer.
Regards Hans Stephens
= A.............................................................................................
MP Lee Evans emailed me yesterday, and said "he is also waiting for replies."
So here I am. I'm sure the Premier has more to worry about than crooked signs, but there must be time to email
or phone someone at the RMS to use a bit of common sense, and stop wasting money on this, at least.
Alan Jones years ago was on about an upcoming election and I rang him. "I don't care who gets in" I said.
"Oh you must care" said he.
" No I don't care, I said, as long as they don't waste the money"
I tried to upload more photos (too big), but there are plenty on</a>
Thankyou for your time
I would like a response: Yes, I would like a response
I would like to receive regular updates from the NSW Government: Yes
End of messag
37 Elbow Street
Dear Minister Pavey,
This letter should not have been necessary as I have, in the past, raised this problem with my local member, with the
Premier's Office and with your office, but as these efforts have not yet yielded a satisfactory outcome, I thought I should
write to you again.
The RMS is renewing the old white clearway signs on major roads with new HI- Vis yellow ones.
The old brackets used to hold up the white signs didn?t work, and they don?t work on the new yellow signs either.
My website</a> has many photos showing examples and explaining the problem.
Something has to be done before the new yellow signs are completely rolled out across NSW.
Please spend a couple of minutes to have a look at my site and have someone, with the necessary authority, investigate
and fix this very simple problem.
I've provided here an example of the old white clearway signs, these being on Roberts Road, Greenacre, and, as you
can see, the mounting system on the white signs was totally unsatisfactory.
This folly is being repeated when the white signs are being replaced with Hi-Vis yellow signs by contractors engaged by
the RMS.
Many more examples can be found on</a>.
I think that you would agree that this level of incompetence is simply unacceptable and that it points to a deeper problem
within the administration of the RMS.
These signs provide "hi-vis" advertising of RMS incompetence and, by extension, discredit your Government.
As I'm retired, I would like to offer my services as a consultant, at no cost to the taxpayer, in order to rectify this
unsatisfactory state of affairs in the most cost effective manner.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully
September 27th, 2019
Appalling is a word that is used quite a lot.
What is appalling about this photo?
Fast response
August 5th, 2019
How can people be trusted to spend billions of dollars
on the big stuff, when they can't get a simple
sign to stay up straight?
I have catalogued on this website,
four years of photos of less than compentent work
(in my view) carried out by RMS contractors.
The people at : Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture deserve a medal for prompt responding to enquires
I sent this email to the address that Mr Terry McSweeney (Principal Manager Ministerial Correspondence) gave me, and I hope I get an answer other than the normal public servant ones I get.
AT 11.45 pm Friday 2/08/019, I sent this email
From: CU-0002 RMS
Sent: 3/8/2019 12:15 AM GMT+10:00
Subject: clearway signs
I have tried for the last four years to get a bit of common sense into the installation of clearway signs.
last month I used the "contact" feedback of the latest NSW Road Minister, and I had a reply thus;
That reply from Mr. McSweeney, doesn't really help
I have catalogued on my website</a> four years of photos of less than (in my view) competent work, carried out by RMS contractors.
span lang="EN-AU">Could you have a look at the website, and is there merit in my concerns?Regards
Hans Stephens
(contact details )
The photo below was taken less than three weeks after installation
At 12 16 am Saturday less than half an hour later, a reply came back
From: Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture ( <>
Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2019 12:16 AM
Subject: Case # CE_34895 Created: clearway signs
On the following Monday 9.35 am 05/08/019 this came back |
From: Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture ( <>
Sent: Monday, 5 August 2019 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: clearway signs
Dear Hans,
Thank you for contacting Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture (VBA JV) regarding the installation of clearway signs.
VBA JV carry out sign maintenance activities as per the standards set out by Road and Maritime Services.
Unfortunately your website is blocked on our server, please send through any sign maintenance request directly to VBA JV.
If you would like an update or more information, please reply to this email or call us on 1800 677 700.
Kind regards,
u Sam Bangma
Community Engagement Officer
Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture | Sydney SMC
PO Box 838 | Rockdale | NSW 2216
T 1800 677 700
Delivering safer roads for Sydney
We value your feedback. If you would like to comment on the service provided by Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture, please clickhere
An extract from Mr Terry McSweens letter
"For the safety of maintenance crews,
new clearway signs are
attached to existing signs and
no longer drilled onto electricity poles.
This is in accordance with
the Australian Standards.
I am advised there are no plans
to change the Standards at this time."
What does that mean? Toxic sawdust?
About 12.10pm I rang the 1800 number Mr McSweeney gave me, and was told that they can help, if I say which clearway sign needs maintainence, and they will send out workers to maintain it
Back to where I started, 4 years ago.
to be continued......
July 31st, 2019
The Transport Minister had the "Appalling" advertising removed vitually overnight off the buses.
On line trolls had the company ooh! remove this appalling billboard.
What is so appalling saying that a pregnant womans unborn baby's heart begins beating four weeks after conception?
Doctors use several different methods to listen to the fetal heartbeat. About 3 weeks, one day after fertilization, when the heart first begins to beat, the sound of the little heart is too soft to hear. Very soon thereafter, they can see the motion using ultrasound technology.
A doctor's stethoscope is not sensitive enough to hear the embryo's heart beating.
A special stethoscope called a fetoscope works well when the fetus is larger, usually around 15-17 weeks.1 An active fetus however, can make this method of listening a bit challenging. Often when the fetoscope is finally in the right place on the woman's belly, her fetus will change positions and the doctor must move the stethoscope again in search of the fetal heartbeat.
The presence of a fetal heartbeat confirms pregnancy, as long as doctors are certain to distinguish the fetal heartbeat from the mother's. Usually this is not difficult as the fetus has a much faster heart rate than the mother. Sometimes during an examination, a woman's heart rate will increase and actually cause the fetal heart to beat more rapidly.
Noises from within can make the mother's and fetal heartbeat hard to distinguish.
1 F. Gary Cunningham, Paul C. MacDonald, Norman F. Grant, et al., Williams Obstetrics, 20th ed. (Stamford: Appleton and Lange, 1997), 30.
A news story from
Anti-abortion posters plastered on buses in Australia Lucy MiddletonSaturday 22 Jun 2019 3:42 pm Share this article via facebookShare this article via twitterShare this article via messenger1.8kShares The picture was put on the side of buses
(Picture: Emily's Voice)Buses in Australia have been carrying anti-abortion advertisements linked to a pro-life movement. The images, which appeared on public transport in Newcastle, New South Wales, show two hands making a heart shape across a pregnant stomach.
Written alongside the picture is the words: A heart beats at four weeks. The advert was provided by Emily's Voice, a pro-life organisation that aims to deter women from abortion. Keolis Downer, the company that runs Newcastle's bus system, have since taken the images down after the New South Wales Minister for Transport said he was appalled by them. A spokesperson for the firm said: A third party manages advertising on Newcastle Transport buses. Keolis Downer acted immediately and the advertisement has now been removed. Tourist horrified to find Hitler mugs on sale in Italy Advertising must comply with Transport for NSW content standards and guidelines. An investigation into this matter is now underway. Andrew Constance replied to social media comments about the adverts to say he was similarly appalled earlier this week. He said: Ive instructed that this ad and any similar collateral be removed immediately. Emily's Voice defended their posters, likening the adverts to campaigns to stop smoking or cancer and stating that they wanted to help Australians fall in love with the unborn. Got a story for If you have a story for our news team, email us at
Read more:
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This is appalling
Terry Terry Terry
July 30th, 2019
Why has it been so difficult
July 20th, 2019
This website has four years of photos, copies of letters to and from My local MP, letters to and from the Road Minister's office Copies of unanswered emails.
Details of calls I have made to the then roads minister Melinda Pavey's Electoral office, and the Premier's office, all to no avail.
But as JONES & CO says "DON"T GIVE UP"
All I wanted to do was that the RMS changed the way clearway signs are installed, before the new HI-VIS YELLOW signs are rolled out throughout NSW
The bracket that The D.M.R, then the R.T.A,and now the R.M.S still use to hold up clearway signs, didn't, and don't work NOW.
By an stretch of the imagination
can this be called erected
"to Australian Standards ??"
I went into two shop in South Hurstville and asked when the new signs were put up.
They both said about two weeks ago.
One lady said I remember because someone came in and warned us about time changes.
Say no more.
This morning I had to go to Balmain from home in Kirrawee.
On the way there and back I took the following photos.
I've just rung the Daily Telegraph and spoke to a very patient team member, and with her, scrolled down this site.
She agreed with me that the new Hi- Vis yellow, and the old white clearway signs look untidy, and two bolts in the bracket would make sense.
She agreed with me that if I hung myself from a clearway sign, I would get publicity.
There is 28lb hanging from this RMS clearway sign that I had taken down, (wearing a HI-Vis Vest)
I then drilled an extra hole in this RMS bracket and re-installed it with two coach bolts wearing the afore mentioned vest, and there was also a large orange cone in close proximity, (also for safety reasons.)
I was kidding (about the hanging myself line ) the call was recorded "for training purposes"and can be checked for contex.
The Telegraph lady said she would pass my clearway sign concerns on.
I await a call from a reporter ................
This 3 year+ saga of mine ( 4 years now) to get a bit of sense in the installation of roadside clearway signs, has to be a news story.
Even just the fact that I interfere with RMS signs, (with photos) should be a story
Here's me taking down a RMS clearway sign and reinstalled it using a bracket (prepared earlier) with two coach bolts
and now the sign doesn't move with 28lb hanging of it
This sign was swinging in the breeze at Blakehurst coming off the pole after the "NO STANDING ANYTIME" was added.
The bottom coach bolt was finger tight, so I used longer bolts, and it will now stay put.
Forest Rd Bexly
July 17th, 2019
Did you spot the sign in the correct level position?
It had been re-adjusted with an extra coach bolt AND washer,which does the job in holding up the bracket.
On this example of RMS skill someone added an extra bracket supporting bolt, but not only didn't correct the bracket creep but damaged the sign too.
West Botony St Mascot
Flora St corner and Acacia by pass Kirrawee
I really do feel that there is a problem in the way clearway signs are installed.
To be continued..................................
Another day more bracket creep
July 8th, 2019
When I say near new*, they would be less than two years old
and no doubt these clearway signs,
" are fixed in place in accordance with
Australian Standards "
as stated in the letter below.
Bracket creep
July 6th, 2019
Heading back from from Alfords Point to Hurstville on Friday 5 July I noticed these examples of work done by RMS contractors.
Just some more to add this 4 year catalogue of shoddy work.
Roads Minister No 3
June 26th, 2019
As I said in my previous post I would email the new roads minister Mr Constance, and last night I did using his contact page.
"Dear Minister Constance,
for nearly four years now I have been trying to get change in the way the new Hi-Vis Yellow clearway way are installed.
My website</a> catalogues my effort in getting a bit of common sense into the situation."
I added these 5 photos ( I think these were the photos. I didn't just have those, on the desktop)
Say no more.
June 12th, 2019
This morning I had to go to Balmain from home in Kirrawee.
On the way there and back I took the following photos.
Dear sir,
I read with great interest your story about the delay in getting a damaged bus shelter replaced in Alfords Point . ("Residents angered by bus shelter loss" Leader May 29)
Deputy Mayor Steve Simpson has been on the case for months to no avail.
Then the Council resolved to write to the relevant state government agency in the strongest terms, and secure a firm commitment the bus stop be returned to good service.?
Nothing Happened, so Cr Simpson (with support from other Councillors ) wrote to the Roads Minister, The Premier, and the local MP demanding that the bus shelter be replaced.
All the weight of The Sutherland Council, the Local Liberal MP, a National Party Roads Minister, a Liberal party Premier and no one can find a new bus shelter.
Imagine how frustrated I have been after nearly four years of trying to get the RMS to put up clearway signs properly.
I naively thought that an email to the then roads Minister Gay, alerting him to an obvious problem would see results. The brackets used by the RMS to attach the clearway signs to power poles are the same ones used by the Department of Mains roads (DMR), and then the Road and traffic authority (RTA)
The bracket has one coach bolt fastening it to the post or pole, and two small bolts are used to attach the clearway sign.
If the one bolt into the pole isn't fastened tight enough the bracket droops, (a look, ok for fascinators at the Melbourne Cup), but not on signs lining our main roads.
It's RMSincompetence on display, in Hi-Vis yellow.
But did Mr Gay, MP Duncan Kerr, The new Roads Minister Melinda Pavey, The premier, or their minions, accept a common sense suggestion from an old carpet layer that the bracket needs two bolts? Not on your nelly.
My website</a> catalogues the saga over the last four years of me trying to get a bit of plain common sense in the clearway sign installation department .
ang="EN-AU"> The photo shown below shows two signs, six months after being Installed to "Australian Standards."xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This morning Thurs 13
I drove along Rocky Point rd Sans Souci and the clearway sign are the old white, and these two caught my eye.
Over Captain Cook Bridge on Taren Point Road the Hi-Vis yellow signs replaced last year are heading south also.
As each new section of the old white clearway signs were replaced, it wasn't long before they too started to droop
These two white ones were replaced with the HI-VIS yellow
It's OK to mine under Woronora dam
August 27th, 2020
Not enough people complained so it's not important????
Local MP comes out FIGHTING.
June 24th, 2020There has been a couple of articles in the Sutherland Shire Leader which have mentioned my local MP Lee Evans, that caught my attention.
A few weeks ago MP Evans told us he has been "FIGHTING" for a four lane bridge on Heathcote road over the Woronora river at Heathcote.
If Mr. Evans said in the article, to show that I'm serious about the need for a 4 lane bridge I ask concerned Sutherland Shire residents to protest with me outside Parliament house in Macquarie st, I for one would stand alongside him waving a sign.
Of course following all covid safety guidelines
That's what I call fighting
Then an article in today's Leader 24/6/2020
"Mr Evans said it "was no mean feat to get 10,600 signatures on a paper petition" and thanked those who had signed it.
However, he said he was "confident that the restrictions around water for this mine will preserve water quality".
He didn't say he had been "fighting" to stop mining under the Woronora Dam
I for one would stand alongside MP Kerr waving a sign in Macquarie St to protest the under dam mining, but there again he is "confident that the restrictions around water for this mine will preserve water quality".
I don't have much confidence in MP's having much sway over decisions already made. All I wanted was the RMS to put two bolts in the bracket that "holds" up clearway signs.
Some of the examples right through this website
I tried to get commonsense help from my MP Mr. Evans
Nothing has changed for the better
December 30th, 2019Use two bolts
December 30th, 2019The link below explains what happens when I tried to get something obviously wrong, fixed
Fast response (
Update May 1 2021
Since I first posted this page in December 2019, things have only worsened, and I have many photos of clearway signs at crazy angles.
e.g. the next photo was taken on
How much money is paid out for installation and maintenance that has not happened
Hi-Vis in Beverly Hills on King George Rd.
December 21st, 2019It has happened, the last section in the renewal of the old white clearway signs to Hi-Vis yellow between Sutherland and St. Ives has been completed.
I noticed some weeks ago that new yellow signs were up but covered with grey tape.
Yesterday I drove over there to ask shopkeepers when the change over happened.
About the 6th of December I was told.
One lady wasn't impressed with the change in hours that you can park there, and told RMS people that, when they came in to tell of the changes. There had been RMS people advising drivers of the changes too.
But you wouldn't believe it, the brackets used to hold up the bright yellow signs haven't changed.
Here I was going to insert a photo of a new yellow clearway sign in the new last section of the rollout that has that has the distinct familiar lean.
What to do?
November 2nd, 2019Someone, some boffin at one time invented a bracket you could fasten onto a wooden or metal pole, to hold up signs.
This "inventor" somehow convinced the Department of main roads (DMR) that this bracket was great to hang up signs along NSW roads.
Because the bracket it attached to a pole with one coach bolt, so if that bolt is not tight enough because of gravity, the sign will tilt down.
A sample of (DMR) and (RTA ) old white clearway signs affected by gravity
The Road and Traffic Authority (RTA) also used the same bracket and so does the latest version of this
Government Department, The Road and Maritime Service (RMS)
This invention does not get a mention in this list of great Australian inventions found in this link
Because it doesn't work.
October 29th, 2019
From: Hans Stephens <>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2016 8:57 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: : RMS installation incompetence
Dear Minister Gay,
I recently saw you on TV and you mentioned the new clearway times and the new signage between Blakehurst and Sutherland. The new clearway times have made a difference to traffic flow,
but the Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs I’m afraid are an eyesore, and to make matters worse the majority are now adopting jaunty angles. The signs are attached to a bracket with 2 bolts but the bracket is fastened to the power pole or its own metal pole with one bolt, so if the sign isn’t tightened correctly, it can pivot on the single bolt as can be seen in my photos.
There are old white clearway signs I’ve seen, also at angles, and are also fastened with one bolt.
A rethink in the fastening department is warranted. The bracket used now is over engineering and might have been good enough for the DMR and RTA but common sense is required in this age o f” innovation”
What is wrong with a Tech screw, top and bottom of the sign, fastened to the power pole using an 18 volt impact screw driver.
In the big scheme of things this is small potatoes, but 5 klms of these gaudy bright yellow (near new) clearway signs at crazy angles advertise, in Hi Vis for all to see , RMS incompetence.
Please get someone from the relevant department to have a look and get the job done right.
Last Sunday I drove to Church Point and noticed new Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs on Mona Vale through the West Ryde /Top Ryde area, that weren’t there Boxing day. and some of these signs are already adopting less than professional angles.
Hans Stephens
(address details)
As there was no luck with Mr Gay, I tried the next Road Minister Melinda Pavey with an email

October 22nd, 2019
I started my Quest over 4 years ago, and used this photo of a couple of old white clearway signs to show what happened to them, using only one bolt into the power pole
This is the scene end of July about 2 months later
On 18 October 2019 and this is how they look now. They? ....Yes the second clearway sign and the steel pole are missing
And a hole shows where it was. (the garden scraps up at the base of the power pole were in the hole)
The placement of the new stand alone metal pole in my opinion, wasn't really suitable .
A driver backing out onto busy Roberts road might be a bit distracted, and forget about the metal pole that was planted in the hole (circled)
It may have been better to have left the clearway sign on it's original power pole.
But I have a feeling that Ausgrid, and it's multi-national owners of "the poles and wires," may have upped the rent for signage on their poles, and the RMS is swapping over to the pipe poles, to save money.
Once again someone driving out of the driveway may have been distracted trying to get into the passing traffic.
It may have been better to have left this one also on it's original power pole?
Update: May 2021 that pole and sign are also gone now.
On the way home today. 22 Oct 019
Two more examples of why the brackets " holding up" clearway signs should have two bolts
This next link is to an earlier page that shows the spin I was supposed to accept, and go away.
Drama opposite Southgate
October 4th, 2019
The clearway sign was swapped from white to new Hi-Vis yellow August 2015
April 2016 .... Down
November 2016..... UP
5 January 2017.... down again
So I added something extra for passing traffic and
guess what I'm repeating myself here is an earlier page with more photos
September 28th, 2019
Down Blakehurst way on King Georges road new High -Vis yellow clearway signs were put up in June this year, replacing the old white ones.
I first saw these new ones two weeks after they were put up. (as explained in this previous post below.)
Believe me this clearway saga
has caused problems here at home over the last 4 years.
If a bit of common sense was used by the minders of Road Minsters Mr. Gay, or Ms Pavey, and now the effort to explain RMS incompentence by Mr Terry McSweeney/ Principal Manager Ministerial correspondence on behalf of the new Roads Minister Mr Andrew Constance.
The RMS " for the safety of maintainence crews" "can no longer drill into electricity poles"

Hi-Vis yellow ones were put up in July 2015, and ever since I have by phone email first to the then Road Minister Gay
Dear Minister Gay,
I recently saw you on TV and you mentioned the new clearway times and the new signage between Blakehurst and Sutherland. The new clearway times have made a difference to traffic flow,
but the Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs I'm afraid are an eyesore, and to make matters worse the majority are now adopting jaunty angles. The signs are attached to a bracket with 2 bolts but the bracket is fastened to the power pole or its own metal pole with one bolt, so if the sign isn't tightened correctly, it can pivot on the single bolt as can be seen in my photos.
There are old white clearway I've seen, also at angles, and are also fastened with one bolt. A rethink in the fastening department is warranted. The bracket used now is over engineering and might have been good enough for the DMR and RTA but common sense is required in this age of innovation
What is wrong with a Tech screw, top and bottom of the sign, fastened to the power pole using an 18 volt impact screw driver.
In the big scheme of things this is small potatoes, but 5 klms of these gaudy bright yellow (near new) clearway signs at crazy angles advertise ( in Hi Vis) for all to see , RMS incompetence.
Please get someone from the relevant department to have a look and get the job done right.
Last Sunday I drove to Church Point and noticed new Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs on Mona Vale through the West Ryde /Top Ryde area, that weren't there Boxing day. And some of these signs are already adopting less than professional angles.
Hans Stephens
and I emailed my local MP and then the NSW premier
Title: Mr
First Name: hans
Last Name: stephens
Street address:
Suburb: Kirrawee
State: NSW
Postcode: 2232
Phone: 040
Type of enquiry: Message
Subject: This is not spam, please take seriously
Dear email sorter,
I did email the new roads minister, no reply
I did email my local Member
(whom I voted for)
= A................................................................................
Dear Mr Evans,
I sent an email to my old MP, Mr Kerr, and his office said my email would be forwarded onto you.
As I haven't had a reply from you to my RMS concerns, I will repeat them. The RMS is renewing old white clearway signs with new HiVis yellow
My website explains it all, with photos of clearly incompetent installation of the new signs using rubbish brackets,
which didn't work with the old white signs either. I have emailed the new roads minister weeks ago, with no response.
All that needs to be done is for someone to take charge, scrap the old brackets, and use a bit of common sense, and two screws as shown in one
of my photos. Hope you can help, before they go right through NSW changing signs at great unnecessary expense to the taxpayer.
Regards Hans Stephens
= A.............................................................................................
MP Lee Evans emailed me yesterday, and said "he is also waiting for replies."
So here I am. I'm sure the Premier has more to worry about than crooked signs, but there must be time to email
or phone someone at the RMS to use a bit of common sense, and stop wasting money on this, at least.
Alan Jones years ago was on about an upcoming election and I rang him. "I don't care who gets in" I said.
"Oh you must care" said he.
" No I don't care, I said, as long as they don't waste the money"
I tried to upload more photos (too big), but there are plenty on
Thankyou for your time
I would like a response: Yes, I would like a response
I would like to receive regular updates from the NSW Government: Yes
End of messag
This is the letter I mailed (with astamp)to Ms Pavey.
The Hon. Melinda Pavey, MP
37 Elbow Street
Dear Minister Pavey,
This letter should not have been necessary as I have, in the past, raised this problem with my local member, with the
Premier's Office and with your office, but as these efforts have not yet yielded a satisfactory outcome, I thought I should
write to you again.
The RMS is renewing the old white clearway signs on major roads with new HI- Vis yellow ones.
The old brackets used to hold up the white signs didn?t work, and they don?t work on the new yellow signs either.
My website has many photos showing examples and explaining the problem.
Something has to be done before the new yellow signs are completely rolled out across NSW.
Please spend a couple of minutes to have a look at my site and have someone, with the necessary authority, investigate
and fix this very simple problem.
I've provided here an example of the old white clearway signs, these being on Roberts Road, Greenacre, and, as you
can see, the mounting system on the white signs was totally unsatisfactory.
This folly is being repeated when the white signs are being replaced with Hi-Vis yellow signs by contractors engaged by
the RMS.
Many more examples can be found on
I think that you would agree that this level of incompetence is simply unacceptable and that it points to a deeper problem
within the administration of the RMS.
These signs provide "hi-vis" advertising of RMS incompetence and, by extension, discredit your Government.
As I'm retired, I would like to offer my services as a consultant, at no cost to the taxpayer, in order to rectify this
unsatisfactory state of affairs in the most cost effective manner.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully
...Hans Stephen
(address details).......................
"These signs provide "hi-vis"
advertising of RMS incompetence"
and every new section of replaced clearway
signs have examples that look like these two below:
This photo of those two "new signs" used many times on many previous posts, was taken 6 months after installation in Gymea, and started me on this mission.
I thought the first email would fix the obvious problem, but how wrong I was.
Obviousily the RMS needs help.
This is a simple guide on how to put a RMS clearway sign on an overseas owned power pole,
Step one After of course first taking the proper safety precautions, unbolt the RMS Hi-Vis yellow clearway sign from it's RMS bracket.
Step Two bolt the RMS bracket that now has an extra hole, back onto the pole
Step three make sure the RMS bracket is on the leval
Step three put in the extra coach bolt
Step four Refasten the Hi-Vis yellow RMS clearway sign back onto the RMS bracket, and the job's done.
Before the Sydney Harbour Bridge was opened, to prove that the bridge was strong enough,
most of Sydney's railway locomotives were rolled out onto the bridge, the bridge survived and
to prove that 2 two fixing points on a clearway sign bracket can hold up a little aluminion sign, I hung 28lbs of weights onto the sign, and it didn't move
What more can I say?
Anyone looking back on the nearly four years of pages on this site
can understand my angst.
I've said all along that this is an embarressment, and a waste of money
Incompentece in Hi-Vis but would anyone listen?
Just ignore him, and he will give up and go away.
to be continued................
September 27th, 2019
Appalling is a word that is used quite a lot.
What is appalling about this photo?
Fast response
August 5th, 2019
How can people be trusted to spend billions of dollars
on the big stuff, when they can't get a simple
sign to stay up straight?
I have catalogued on this website,
four years of photos of less than compentent work
(in my view) carried out by RMS contractors.
The people at : Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture deserve a medal for prompt responding to enquires
I sent this email to the address that Mr Terry McSweeney (Principal Manager Ministerial Correspondence) gave me, and I hope I get an answer other than the normal public servant ones I get.
AT 11.45 pm Friday 2/08/019, I sent this email
From: CU-0002 RMS
Sent: 3/8/2019 12:15 AM GMT+10:00
Subject: clearway signs
I have tried for the last four years to get a bit of common sense into the installation of clearway signs.
last month I used the "contact" feedback of the latest NSW Road Minister, and I had a reply thus;
That reply from Mr. McSweeney, doesn't really help
I have catalogued on my website four years of photos of less than (in my view) competent work, carried out by RMS contractors.
Could you have a look at the website, and is there merit in my concerns?
Hans Stephens
(contact details )
The photo below was taken less than three weeks after installation
At 12 16 am Saturday less than half an hour later, a reply came back
From: Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture ( <>
Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2019 12:16 AM
Subject: Case # CE_34895 Created: clearway signs
On the following Monday 9.35 am 05/08/019 this came back |
From: Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture ( <>
Sent: Monday, 5 August 2019 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: clearway signs
Dear Hans,
Thank you for contacting Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture (VBA JV) regarding the installation of clearway signs.
VBA JV carry out sign maintenance activities as per the standards set out by Road and Maritime Services.
Unfortunately your website is blocked on our server, please send through any sign maintenance request directly to VBA JV.
If you would like an update or more information, please reply to this email or call us on 1800 677 700.
Kind regards,
u Sam Bangma
Community Engagement Officer
Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture | Sydney SMC
PO Box 838 | Rockdale | NSW 2216
T 1800 677 700
Delivering safer roads for Sydney
We value your feedback. If you would like to comment on the service provided by Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture, please clickhere
An extract from Mr Terry McSweens letter
"For the safety of maintenance crews,
new clearway signs are
attached to existing signs and
no longer drilled onto electricity poles.
This is in accordance with
the Australian Standards.
I am advised there are no plans
to change the Standards at this time."
What does that mean? Toxic sawdust?
About 12.10pm I rang the 1800 number Mr McSweeney gave me, and was told that they can help, if I say which clearway sign needs maintainence, and they will send out workers to maintain it
Back to where I started, 4 years ago.
to be continued......
Terry Terry Terry
July 30th, 2019
Why has it been so difficult
July 20th, 2019
This website has four years of photos, copies of letters to and from My local MP, letters to and from the Road Minister's office Copies of unanswered emails.
Details of calls I have made to the then roads minister Melinda Pavey's Electoral office, and the Premier's office, all to no avail.
But as JONES & CO says "DON"T GIVE UP"
All I wanted to do was that the RMS changed the way clearway signs are installed, before the new HI-VIS YELLOW signs are rolled out throughout NSW
The bracket that The D.M.R, then the R.T.A,and now the R.M.S still use to hold up clearway signs, didn't, and don't work NOW.
By an stretch of the imagination
can this be called erected
"to Australian Standards ??"
I went into two shop in South Hurstville and asked when the new signs were put up.
They both said about two weeks ago.
One lady said I remember because someone came in and warned us about time changes.
Say no more.
This morning I had to go to Balmain from home in Kirrawee.
On the way there and back I took the following photos.
I've just rung the Daily Telegraph and spoke to a very patient team member, and with her, scrolled down this site.
She agreed with me that the new Hi- Vis yellow, and the old white clearway signs look untidy, and two bolts in the bracket would make sense.
She agreed with me that if I hung myself from a clearway sign, I would get publicity.
There is 28lb hanging from this RMS clearway sign that I had taken down, (wearing a HI-Vis Vest)
I then drilled an extra hole in this RMS bracket and re-installed it with two coach bolts wearing the afore mentioned vest, and there was also a large orange cone in close proximity, (also for safety reasons.)
I was kidding (about the hanging myself line ) the call was recorded "for training purposes"and can be checked for contex.
The Telegraph lady said she would pass my clearway sign concerns on.
I await a call from a reporter ................
This 3 year+ saga of mine ( 4 years now) to get a bit of sense in the installation of roadside clearway signs, has to be a news story.
Even just the fact that I interfere with RMS signs, (with photos) should be a story
Here's me taking down a RMS clearway sign and reinstalled it using a bracket (prepared earlier) with two coach bolts
and now the sign doesn't move with 28lb hanging of it
This sign was swinging in the breeze at Blakehurst coming off the pole after the "NO STANDING ANYTIME" was added.
The bottom coach bolt was finger tight, so I used longer bolts, and it will now stay put.
Forest Rd Bexly
July 17th, 2019
Did you spot the sign in the correct level position?
It had been re-adjusted with an extra coach bolt AND washer,which does the job in holding up the bracket.
On this example of RMS skill someone added an extra bracket supporting bolt, but not only didn't correct the bracket creep but damaged the sign too.
West Botony St Mascot
Flora St corner and Acacia by pass Kirrawee
I really do feel that there is a problem in the way clearway signs are installed.
To be continued..................................
Another day more bracket creep
July 8th, 2019
When I say near new*, they would be less than two years old
and no doubt these clearway signs,
" are fixed in place in accordance with
Australian Standards "
as stated in the letter below.
Bracket creep
July 6th, 2019
Heading back from from Alfords Point to Hurstville on Friday 5 July I noticed these examples of work done by RMS contractors.
Just some more to add this 4 year catalogue of shoddy work.
Roads Minister No 3
June 26th, 2019,
As I said in my previous post I would email the new roads minister Mr Constance, and last night I did using his contact page.
"Dear Minister Constance,
for nearly four years now I have been trying to get change in the way the new Hi-Vis Yellow clearway way are installed.
My website catalogues my effort in getting a bit of common sense into the situation."
I added these 5 photos ( I think these were the photos. I didn't just have those, on the desktop)
Say no more.
June 12th, 2019This morning I had to go to Balmain from home in Kirrawee.
On the way there and back I took the following photos.
Dear sir,
I read with great interest your story about the delay in getting a damaged bus shelter replaced in Alfords Point . ("Residents angered by bus shelter loss" Leader May 29)
Deputy Mayor Steve Simpson has been on the case for months to no avail.
Then the Council resolved to write to the relevant state government agency in the strongest terms, and secure a firm commitment the bus stop be returned to good service.?
Nothing Happened, so Cr Simpson (with support from other Councillors ) wrote to the Roads Minister, The Premier, and the local MP demanding that the bus shelter be replaced.
All the weight of The Sutherland Council, the Local Liberal MP, a National Party Roads Minister, a Liberal party Premier and no one can find a new bus shelter.
Imagine how frustrated I have been after nearly four years of trying to get the RMS to put up clearway signs properly.
I naively thought that an email to the then roads Minister Gay, alerting him to an obvious problem would see results. The brackets used by the RMS to attach the clearway signs to power poles are the same ones used by the Department of Mains roads (DMR), and then the Road and traffic authority (RTA)
The bracket has one coach bolt fastening it to the post or pole, and two small bolts are used to attach the clearway sign.
If the one bolt into the pole isn't fastened tight enough the bracket droops, (a look, ok for fascinators at the Melbourne Cup), but not on signs lining our main roads.
It's RMSincompetence on display, in Hi-Vis yellow.
But did Mr Gay, MP Duncan Kerr, The new Roads Minister Melinda Pavey, The premier, or their minions, accept a common sense suggestion from an old carpet layer that the bracket needs two bolts? Not on your nelly.
My website catalogues the saga over the last four years of me trying to get a bit of plain common sense in the clearway sign installation department .
The photo shown below shows two signs, six months after being Installed to "Australian Standards."
This morning Thurs 13
I drove along Rocky Point rd Sans Souci and the clearway sign are the old white, and these two caught my eye.
Over Captain Cook Bridge on Taren Point Road the Hi-Vis yellow signs replaced last year are heading south also.
The carnival is over
May 23rd, 2019
We have had two Elections and the goodies have won.
That means we have a new Roads Minister in NSW
A man with great responsibilites
I wonder if my concerns about the installation of clearway signs will be of interest to him.
When you are head of a portfolio of billions being spent why would he care about a few crooked signs, which I was informed were installed to "Australian Standards"
Roads Minister Gay wasn't imformed, or thought it not important. when I raised the problem in July 2015
My first email to the then roads minister Gay on 4/3/2016
Road Minister Gay 2015
Here are a few photos I took today 23 May 2019
Give me a ring Chris
March 11th, 2019
If there is anything on this site over the last three years that doesn't make sense, give me a ring Chris.
There is a lot of repeated stuff because, I thought as it was such a common sense matter, one email would get action.
The sign bracket needs TWO bolts.
The poles and wires were sold, and now I notice that numerous clearway signs are now on steel posts alongside the overseas owned power pole, that they had been mounted on before.
Has orign put the rent up?
Beware the Ides of March
March 9th, 2019
Below is a post I put up when I thought direct action was necesscary.
My wife was pleading with me at the time,to give up, "you can't win she said"
Alan Jones years ago was speaking about an
upcoming election and, I rang him.
"I don't care who gets in" I said.
"Oh you must care " he said
" No I don't care, I replied,
as long as they don't waste the money"
Sending men to repeatedly "re-adjusting" signs as (they called it,) is wasting the money.
Not your local paper
March 8th, 2019
Elbow St.
That name seems familiar.
That's the street where the NSW road minister has her electoral office.
What would an entrepid newspaper reporter do after he saw a website that catalogues three years of a citizen trying to get a bit of common sense in the installation of clearway signs?
Well if he was too busy himseif (because he's filling in for the boss) he would (because he is the fill in boss) order another reporter to wander up Elbow street, pop into the Nats Electoral office, and ask if anone there has seen my website?
Because there is an Election in the offing, Minister Pavey may even be in attendence
This is an email I sent (as you can see) at 12.35am this morning.
From: Hans Stephens <>
Sent: Friday, 8 March 2019 12:35 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: Local paper
Dear Editor,
When I rang the Daily Telegraph the editorial team member said my story would be better for a local paper.
I have tried for over three years to get two bolts put into clearway signs but there s no meaningful change.
What do you think, Is it a story?
Hans Stephens
(adress details)
and this was the very prompt reply,at 8.38am this morning
From: Ute Schulenberg <>
Sent: Friday, 8 March 2019 8:38 AM
To: Hans Stephens <>
Subject: Re: Local paper
We are on the Mid North Coast - not your local paper
On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 00:35, Hans Stephens <> wrote:
Dear Editor,
When I rang the Daily Telegraph the editorial team member said my story would be better for a local paper.
I have tried for over three years to get two bolts put into clearway signs but there's no meaningful change.
What do you think, Is it a story?
Hans Stephens
(address deatails)
Well at least Mr Schulenburg said sorry,
But before he so quickly replied, did he run my email past the editor, the person I sent it to
I see in a second email that the editor
is on leave, but maybe in this modern
world, he can be contacted on a mobil.
When I posted (with a stamp) a letter to the Road Minister Ms Pavey.
The staff member in her Kempsey office told me she'd read it, and sent it to head office in Sydney
After very little help from my local member MP Duncan Kerr, I asked him to walk up the hall in Macquarie st and ask personaly (Ms Pavey) to look at my website.
My emails to and from my local MP (who I voted for)
Why is it all so difficult?
Stop press
March 5th, 2019Sorry lots of photos have disappeared from older pages on this site.
One day I'll go back and put them back up.
I've just rung the Daily Telegraph and spoke to a very patient team member, and with her, scrolled down this site.
She agreed with me that the new Hi- Vis yellow, and the old white clearway signs look untidy, and two bolts in the bracket would make sense.
She agreed with me that if I hung myself from a clearway sign I would get publicity.
There is 28lb hanging from this RMS clearway sign that I had taken down, (wearing a HI-Vis Vest)
I then drilled an extra hole in this RMS bracket and re-installed it with two coach bolts wearing the afore mentioned vest, and there was also a large orange cone in close proximity, (also for safety reasons.)
I was kidding (about the hanging myself line ) the call was recorded "for training purposes"and can be checked for contex.
The Telegraph lady said she would pass my clearway sign concerns on.
I await a call from a reporter ................
This 3 year+ saga of mine to get a bit of sense in the installation of roadside clearway signs, has to be a news story.
Even just the fact that I interfer with RMS signs, (with photos) should be a story
Ms Pavey's Kempsey office staff know
The RMS know, but obviously they all think I'll go away.
where to now
February 28th, 2019
For many many years I've noticed the untidy state of the clearway signs lining our major roads
Here a just five of many examples.
On the way to the airport this morning (Thurs 28 Feb 2019) this one was swinging in the breeze In Carrs Park
Mid 2016 I noticed from Blakehurst to Sutherland the white clearway signs on the Princes Highway had been replaced by bright Hi-Vis yellow ones
I wrote into The Local Leader newspaper
I next mentioned the Hi-Vis clearway signs in this post
"Numerous signs are now at jaunty angles,
a good look for Melbourne Cup facinators,
but not for newly erected road signs.
The signs are fixed to a bracket with two bolts
but the bracket is fixed to the power pole with only one bolt.
So the sign can, if not tightened enough, pivot
to unprofessional angles as pictured ."
And then the rot set in, the clearway sign bracket creep started
From Sutherland to St Ives, newly erected Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs adopted the old white sign droop.
The last two were on the Princes Highway Gymea
So I emailed the then Road Minister Mr. Duncan Gay, with attached photos
I thought that my email to the Roads Boss explaining my concern of this obvious problem, he would get it fixed pronto.
How wrong was I ?
From: Hans Stephens []
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2016 11:28 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: RMS installation incompetence
Dear Minister Gay,
I recently saw you on TV and you mentioned the new clearway times and the new signage between Blakehurst and Sutherland. The new clearway times have made a difference to traffic flow, but why are the signs in Hi Vis yellow, and why the need to attach them above existing no standing or no stopping signs?
No stopping or no standing, means no stopping or no standing anytime.
These bright yellow clearway signs I'm afraid are an eyesore, and to make matters worse the majority are now adopting jaunty angles. The signs are attached to a bracket with 2 bolts but the bracket is fastened to the power pole or its own metal pole with one bolt, so if the sign isn't tightened correctly, it can pivot on the single bolt as can be seen in my photos.
There are old white clearway I've seen, also at angles, and also fastened with one bolt. A rethink in the fastening dept could be warranted.
What is wrong with a Tech screw, top and bottom of the sign, fastened using an 18 volt impact screw driver.
In the big scheme of things this is small potatoes, but 5 klms of these gaudy bright yellow (near new) clearway signs at crazy angles advertise, in Hi Vis, RMS incompetence.
Please could you get someone from the relevant department to have a look and get the job done right.
Hans Stephens
(and my adress and contact details)
I went from Mr Gay to the new Road Minister Ms Pavey Sydney Office, to her Electoral office in Kempsey, to the Premier's office, and my local MP Mr. Duncan Kerr, using emails, and phone calls, even a snail mail letter (thinking it was more personal) to Minister Pavey.
I sent this letter to Road Minister Pavey (a letter whith a postage stamp)
Melinda Pavey Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight
Dear Minister Pavey,
I'm very sorry to bother you as this letter should not have been necessary, but as other options don't seem to have made a satisfactory difference, I'll try again.
The RMS is renewing the old white clearway signs on major roads with new HI- Vis yellow ones, but the old brackets used to hold up the white ones didn't work, and they don't work on the new ones either.
My website has many photos showing examples and explaining the problem.
Something has to be done before the new yellow signs are rolled out across NSW
Please spend a couple of minutes to have a look at my site, or if too busy, delegate someone with a bit of common sense,* and who can get something done to fix this very simple problem.
These are two examples of the old white clearway signs on Roberts Road Greenacre
And the two above, are less than a year old, and were on display advertising RMS incompetence in Hi-Vis yellow, on the Princes Highway Gymea.
Many more examples on
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully,
Hans Stephens
*this highlight colour wasn't in the original letterl
What next?
February 19th, 2019A few weeks aco I saw this sad bit of work and wrote on
I fixed it properly myself
Lo and behold a couple of mornings ago in the same area on King Georges road this was on show.
And here is another Hi-Vis which hasn't stood the test of time
I did ring Ms. Johnsone's mobile phone two days later.
I left a short message.
I rang again straight away to add more to my message,and a lady answered (not Ms Johnson).
I asked her to text or email the clearway director's email adress.