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Why has it been so difficult
This website has four years of photos, copies of letters to and from My local MP, letters to and from the Road Minister's office Copies of unanswered emails.
Details of calls I have made to the then roads minister Melinda Pavey's Electoral office, and the Premier's office, all to no avail.
But as JONES & CO says "DON"T GIVE UP"
All I wanted to do was that the RMS changed the way clearway signs are installed, before the new HI-VIS YELLOW signs are rolled out throughout NSW
The bracket that The D.M.R, then the R.T.A,and now the R.M.S still use to hold up clearway signs, didn't, and don't work NOW.
By an stretch of the imagination
can this be called erected
"to Australian Standards ??"
I went into two shop in South Hurstville and asked when the new signs were put up.
They both said about two weeks ago.
One lady said I remember because someone came in and warned us about time changes.
Say no more.
This morning I had to go to Balmain from home in Kirrawee.
On the way there and back I took the following photos.
I've just rung the Daily Telegraph and spoke to a very patient team member, and with her, scrolled down this site.
She agreed with me that the new Hi- Vis yellow, and the old white clearway signs look untidy, and two bolts in the bracket would make sense.
She agreed with me that if I hung myself from a clearway sign, I would get publicity.
There is 28lb hanging from this RMS clearway sign that I had taken down, (wearing a HI-Vis Vest)
I then drilled an extra hole in this RMS bracket and re-installed it with two coach bolts wearing the afore mentioned vest, and there was also a large orange cone in close proximity, (also for safety reasons.)
I was kidding (about the hanging myself line ) the call was recorded "for training purposes"and can be checked for contex.
The Telegraph lady said she would pass my clearway sign concerns on.
I await a call from a reporter ................
This 3 year+ saga of mine ( 4 years now) to get a bit of sense in the installation of roadside clearway signs, has to be a news story.
Even just the fact that I interfere with RMS signs, (with photos) should be a story
Here's me taking down a RMS clearway sign and reinstalled it using a bracket (prepared earlier) with two coach bolts
and now the sign doesn't move with 28lb hanging of it
This sign was swinging in the breeze at Blakehurst coming off the pole after the "NO STANDING ANYTIME" was added.
The bottom coach bolt was finger tight, so I used longer bolts, and it will now stay put.
Common sense is sound practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge that is shared by nearly all people. The first type of common sense, good sense, can be described as "the knack for seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done." The second type is sometimes described as folk wisdom, "signifying unreflective knowledge not reliant on specialized training or deliberative thought." The two types are intertwined, as the person who has common sense is in touch with common-sense ideas, which emerge from the lived experiences of those commonsensical enough to perceive ts nethem.