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Try Again
As I have said before, I have sent respectfull emails
to people that could help in what I see as matters of concern.
If one points out the bleeding obvious, hopefully,
usually, change does follow.
Dear Mr Evans,
I sent an email to my old MP, Mr Kerr, and his office said my email would be forwarded onto you.
As I haven't had a reply to my RMS concerns, I will repeat them. The RMS is renewing old white clearway signs with new Hi-Vis yellow ones
My website www.schoolzonesanta.com explains it all, with photos of clearly incompetent installation of the new signs using rubbish brackets which didn't work with the old white signs either. I have emailed the new roads minister weeks ago, with no response.
All that needs to be done is for someone to take charge, scrap the old brackets, and use a bit of common sense, and two screws as shown in one photo. Hope you can help, before they go right through NSW changing signs at great in unnecessary expense to the taxpayer.
Regards Hans Stephens
Mr. Lee Evans is my local MP, who I did vote for in the last State Election.
Maybe he can ring up or email someone to fix the mess in the pages below.
I have the original emails