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Down Blakehurst way on King Georges road new High -Vis yellow clearway signs were put up in June this year, replacing the old white ones.
I first saw these new ones two weeks after they were put up. (as explained in this previous post below.)
Believe me this clearway saga
has caused problems here at home over the last 4 years.
If a bit of common sense was used by the minders of Road Minsters Mr. Gay, or Ms Pavey, and now the effort to explain RMS incompentence by Mr Terry McSweeney/ Principal Manager Ministerial correspondence on behalf of the new Roads Minister Mr Andrew Constance.
The RMS " for the safety of maintainence crews" "can no longer drill into electricity poles"
Hi-Vis yellow ones were put up in July 2015, and ever since I have by phone email first to the then Road Minister Gay
Dear Minister Gay,
I recently saw you on TV and you mentioned the new clearway times and the new signage between Blakehurst and Sutherland. The new clearway times have made a difference to traffic flow,
but the Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs I'm afraid are an eyesore, and to make matters worse the majority are now adopting jaunty angles. The signs are attached to a bracket with 2 bolts but the bracket is fastened to the power pole or its own metal pole with one bolt, so if the sign isn't tightened correctly, it can pivot on the single bolt as can be seen in my photos.
There are old white clearway I've seen, also at angles, and are also fastened with one bolt. A rethink in the fastening department is warranted. The bracket used now is over engineering and might have been good enough for the DMR and RTA but common sense is required in this age of innovation
What is wrong with a Tech screw, top and bottom of the sign, fastened to the power pole using an 18 volt impact screw driver.
In the big scheme of things this is small potatoes, but 5 klms of these gaudy bright yellow (near new) clearway signs at crazy angles advertise ( in Hi Vis) for all to see , RMS incompetence.
Please get someone from the relevant department to have a look and get the job done right.
Last Sunday I drove to Church Point and noticed new Hi-Vis yellow clearway signs on Mona Vale through the West Ryde /Top Ryde area, that weren't there Boxing day. And some of these signs are already adopting less than professional angles.
Hans Stephens
and I emailed my local MP and then the NSW premier
Title: Mr
First Name: hans
Last Name: stephens
Street address:
Suburb: Kirrawee
State: NSW
Postcode: 2232
Phone: 040
Email: stephens1510@optusnet.com.au
Type of enquiry: Message
Subject: This is not spam, please take seriously
Dear email sorter,
I did email the new roads minister, no reply
I did email my local Member
(whom I voted for)
= A................................................................................
Dear Mr Evans,
I sent an email to my old MP, Mr Kerr, and his office said my email would be forwarded onto you.
As I haven't had a reply from you to my RMS concerns, I will repeat them. The RMS is renewing old white clearway signs with new HiVis yellow
My website www.schoolzonesanta.com explains it all, with photos of clearly incompetent installation of the new signs using rubbish brackets,
which didn't work with the old white signs either. I have emailed the new roads minister weeks ago, with no response.
All that needs to be done is for someone to take charge, scrap the old brackets, and use a bit of common sense, and two screws as shown in one
of my photos. Hope you can help, before they go right through NSW changing signs at great unnecessary expense to the taxpayer.
Regards Hans Stephens
= A.............................................................................................
MP Lee Evans emailed me yesterday, and said "he is also waiting for replies."
So here I am. I'm sure the Premier has more to worry about than crooked signs, but there must be time to email
or phone someone at the RMS to use a bit of common sense, and stop wasting money on this, at least.
Alan Jones years ago was on about an upcoming election and I rang him. "I don't care who gets in" I said.
"Oh you must care" said he.
" No I don't care, I said, as long as they don't waste the money"
I tried to upload more photos (too big), but there are plenty on www.schoolzonesanta.com
Thankyou for your time
I would like a response: Yes, I would like a response
I would like to receive regular updates from the NSW Government: Yes
End of messag
This is the letter I mailed (with astamp)to Ms Pavey.
The Hon. Melinda Pavey, MP
37 Elbow Street
Dear Minister Pavey,
This letter should not have been necessary as I have, in the past, raised this problem with my local member, with the
Premier's Office and with your office, but as these efforts have not yet yielded a satisfactory outcome, I thought I should
write to you again.
The RMS is renewing the old white clearway signs on major roads with new HI- Vis yellow ones.
The old brackets used to hold up the white signs didn?t work, and they don?t work on the new yellow signs either.
My website www.schoolzonesanta.com has many photos showing examples and explaining the problem.
Something has to be done before the new yellow signs are completely rolled out across NSW.
Please spend a couple of minutes to have a look at my site and have someone, with the necessary authority, investigate
and fix this very simple problem.
I've provided here an example of the old white clearway signs, these being on Roberts Road, Greenacre, and, as you
can see, the mounting system on the white signs was totally unsatisfactory.
This folly is being repeated when the white signs are being replaced with Hi-Vis yellow signs by contractors engaged by
the RMS.
Many more examples can be found on www.schoolzonesanta.com.
I think that you would agree that this level of incompetence is simply unacceptable and that it points to a deeper problem
within the administration of the RMS.
These signs provide "hi-vis" advertising of RMS incompetence and, by extension, discredit your Government.
As I'm retired, I would like to offer my services as a consultant, at no cost to the taxpayer, in order to rectify this
unsatisfactory state of affairs in the most cost effective manner.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully
...Hans Stephen
(address details).......................
"These signs provide "hi-vis"
advertising of RMS incompetence"
and every new section of replaced clearway
signs have examples that look like these two below:
This photo of those two "new signs" used many times on many previous posts, was taken 6 months after installation in Gymea, and started me on this mission.
I thought the first email would fix the obvious problem, but how wrong I was.
Obviousily the RMS needs help.
This is a simple guide on how to put a RMS clearway sign on an overseas owned power pole,
Step one After of course first taking the proper safety precautions, unbolt the RMS Hi-Vis yellow clearway sign from it's RMS bracket.
Step Two bolt the RMS bracket that now has an extra hole, back onto the pole
Step three make sure the RMS bracket is on the leval
Step three put in the extra coach bolt
Step four Refasten the Hi-Vis yellow RMS clearway sign back onto the RMS bracket, and the job's done.
Before the Sydney Harbour Bridge was opened, to prove that the bridge was strong enough,
most of Sydney's railway locomotives were rolled out onto the bridge, the bridge survived and
to prove that 2 two fixing points on a clearway sign bracket can hold up a little aluminion sign, I hung 28lbs of weights onto the sign, and it didn't move
What more can I say?
Anyone looking back on the nearly four years of pages on this site
can understand my angst.
I've said all along that this is an embarressment, and a waste of money
Incompentece in Hi-Vis but would anyone listen?
Just ignore him, and he will give up and go away.
to be continued................