« THE CLEVER COUNTRY | Road and Marintine Services incompentence » |
The RMS (Road and Marintime Service) which was called
the RTA (Roads and traffic Authority), and
before that the DMR (Department of Main Roads),
thought it would be a good idea to also change the
old white clearway signs to a new Hi-Vis yellow.
These two old clearway signs are on
Roberts Rd, near Chaseling St Greenacre
These new yellow ones are on the Princes Highway Gymea
* Well one photo has old white clearway signs, and the second photo has the new style Hi-Vis yellow signs.
The Hi-Vis ones do stand out, don't they?
But not I think as intended.
From Blakehurst to Sutherland the RMS has festooned every second pole, (even above "no standing" signs) with garish yellow clearway signs, which before twelve months had past, began looking like the examples below:
Not a good look
These photos are only a sample of the Hi-Vis signs advertising loudly the incompentance of the people responsible
The reason for the woeful look of the old white, and now the new Hi-Vis clearway signs is the useless contraption used to fix the sign to the poles, a bracket that has one coach bolt into the pole.
The clearway sign (below) is fastened to the power pole with the normal one coach bolt, but when the sign drooped down a second bolt was added underneath the bracket to hold it up.
Great so far, except Gordon winds blew the sign up and there it stayed.
A couple of examples of old clearway signs
The plot thickens:
Earlier I took a photo of the above tilted sign,
and months later I took this (out of focus) photo of the same one, which had deteriorated further, and above it "someone" had added a poster which read " HI-Vis fail"
I saw two more posters above badly tilted signs, one read "Crap Job," and the other "RMS Fail."
Blow me down, in about a week the posters were gone, and the clearway signs had all been straightened (well most of them anyway).
The ( out of focus photo) of the droopy sign and "Hi-Vis Fail" poster are both gone.
Now it's a bus stop.
It get's worse
This clearway sign opposite Southgate did
look like this, and
after a "RMS Fail" poster was added, a week or so later ( 3/11/016) it was adjusted to the horizontal
Wait there's more
but only one month two days later, ( 5/1/2017), the sign is back to it's old droopy self, and other signs along the Princes highway are also slowly changing angles.
Can it be called anything, but incompetence on display?
Driving to Church Point on Christmas Day ( 2016) on Ryde rd between Ryde and Pymble, I noticed the new Hi-Vis clearway signs that I'd first seen the Christmas Day before, had the same tilting problem as the ones in The Shire.
Remember they are less than two years old, and this sample are to be found on Ryde Rd in a "cluster", North of Yanko Rd.
It would be boring to show more photos, but the one pictured below, caught my eye , it was slanting UP!!
The RMS's putting up clearway signs person must've had trouble tightening the coach bolt , so he or she lifted the bracket, and put a small screw under it so it could slide down onto it, to stop it going further.
But the added screw is too high and therefore the sign slants up.
"Near enough" "She'll be right" "Who's for a coldie?"
Driving near our place this morning I noticed this old, battered
nearly illegible sign, dangling from it's pole.
you can see that someone had tried to hold up the bracket with that bent coach bolt
Being a helpful sort of person, I re-
adjusted the sign,( in the same position
but horizontal) with a couple of screws.
Looks so much better now,
and I'm sure the sign will be there like that, until is is
replaced with one that can be read.