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Oh dear !
It's no wonder I haven't had a reply from the Road Minister's Office to an email I sent weeks ago.
My local MP Mr Lee Evans has replied to the email I sent him.
From: ElectorateOffice Heathcote [mailto:ElectorateOffice.Heathcote@parliament.nsw.gov.au]
Sent: Friday, March 3, 2017 12:22 PM
To: 'hans stephens' <stephens1510@optusnet.com.au>
Subject: RE: Clearway signs
Dear Mr Stephens,
Thank you for your email, I do appreciate your concerns. The RMS have all new staff and it does take time to get their portfolio together.
I am still waiting on replies myself!
Kind regards
"I am still waiting on replies myself"
If a member of Parliament can't get a reply from a colleague, or his office, then all I can say is,
"Dear me"