Category: "Graffiti"
Graffiti Camp
October 19th, 2011NSW Premier O'Farrell has tried but so far failed to get action on graffiti.
I emailed him a suggestion last year
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Graffiti are there consequences?
July 22nd, 2009 31/10/09 Will he pay the compensation?? I… more »
Graffiti # 3
June 30th, 2009The Telegraph did a spread once again on the curse of graffiti vandals,,25704891-5001021,00.html,,25704933-5001021,00.html (highlight whole link and drag into… more »
July 3rd, 20087/3/09 IS THIS A GOOD IDEA? On the corner of Waratah st and Arcacia rd in Kirrawee is a shop wall which has been in the past "tagged" many times by vandals. Now this wall has been painted, but in the graffiti style, a landscape mural would I suppose be… more »
Premier gets tough
September 10th, 2007Premier Barry O'Farrell has tried to get tough on graffiti vandals but was voted down in Parliament Shooters' graffiti move… more »