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I started my Quest over 4 years ago, and used this photo of a couple of old white clearway signs to show what happened to them, using only one bolt into the power pole
This is the scene end of July about 2 months later
On 18 October 2019 and this is how they look now. They? ....Yes the second clearway sign and the steel pole are missing
And a hole shows where it was. (the garden scraps up at the base of the power pole were in the hole)
The placement of the new stand alone metal pole in my opinion, wasn't really suitable .
A driver backing out onto busy Roberts road might be a bit distracted, and forget about the metal pole that was planted in the hole (circled)
It may have been better to have left the clearway sign on it's original power pole.
But I have a feeling that Ausgrid, and it's multi-national owners of "the poles and wires," may have upped the rent for signage on their poles, and the RMS is swapping over to the pipe poles, to save money.
Once again someone driving out of the driveway may have been distracted trying to get into the passing traffic.
It may have been better to have left this one also on it's original power pole?
Update: May 2021 that pole and sign are also gone now.
On the way home today. 22 Oct 019
Two more examples of why the brackets " holding up" clearway signs should have two bolts
This next link is to an earlier page that shows the spin I was supposed to accept, and go away.