Was it all a cunning plan?

October 9th, 2012
  The following email I sent into the Telegraph.     From: Hans Stephens Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 6:43 PM To: 'yoursay@dailytelegraph.com.au' Subject: Alan Jones    Dear sir, The Alan Jones saga continues (and getting worse) even after his very… more »


October 5th, 2012
    Well it's Bathurst 1000 time again and what's on the front page of October's Super Cheap Auto specials great race catalogue ?   http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/catalogue-nsw.aspx     4 cans of spray for $10,  a saving of $4.36      SuperCheap… more »

Alan Jones is human

October 2nd, 2012
   JONES SAID GILLARD'S DAD DIED OF SHAME  TthTheebyline on a story on page 6 in the Sunday Telegragh (Sept 30 2012) I can't find the original but this what an Irish paper reported http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2012/1001/1224324666901.h… more »

Cage fighting, is it a noble sport?

September 29th, 2012
    Driving through Lakemba I saw power pole posters that were advertising cage fighting.  How is this barbaric "sport" allowed I thought. This letter appeared in the Cronulla and Sutherland Shire Leader newspaper … more »

Barry O'Farrell a mystery man to many - voters don't know who is is

September 20th, 2012
    The Premier of NSW was criticized for not doing enough, but is it his fault?    http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/sydney-news/barry-ofarrell-a-mystery-man-to-many-voters-dont-know-who-is-is/story-e6freuzi-1226476863477     I sent in a lett… more »

More flashing lights for NSW schools

August 23rd, 2012
With much fan fare Premier O'Farrell and road Minister Gay re-announced that there will be another 179 schools getting flashing lights. That makes 1000 schools, one quarter of NSW schools in over ten years. Fantastic !!!… more »

They're over Clover

July 11th, 2012
The City of Sydney has a Lord Mayor who for two terms was also the State member for the City of Sydney. So if you don't agree with what the Council does, you can take it up with the local State Member who is also the boss of the council you have a… more »

Action, not just words.

May 6th, 2012
From: Peter Olsen Sent: Sunday, 6 May 2012 7:14 PM To: Peter Olsen Subject: Media Release - Burraneer Bay Public School Gets Flashing Lights MEDIA RELEASE 7 May 2012 BURRANEER BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL GETS FLASHING LIGHTS School zone safety campaigner Peter… more »

Minister Duncan Gay rolls out more flashing lights

May 6th, 2012
“Flashing lights in school zones have been found to slow motorists by an average of seven kilometres an hour. “By the end of June this year there will be more than 820 flashing lights in NSW, covering more than 990 schools. “This is more than a quarter… more »

Just waiting to happen

March 2nd, 2012
Everytime I drive through Sutherland Shire streets I think of what might/could/will happen. This article on today's ninemsn news http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8429025/woman-critically-injured-after-tree-falls-on-car My earlier blog with photos of… more »

I told you so

January 11th, 2012
"THERE have been two deaths and nine people taken to hospital in at least three serious accidents at sites where the government removed fixed zone speed cameras, the Opposition claimed yesterday." Daily Telegraph 11/1/012… more »

No reply

December 20th, 2011
I want to try to help a few needy pensioners and 4 emails so far to try get help to this done as yet answered. Everyday old folk are used and abused. this link gives a few examples what happens to our elderly http://www.google.com.au/#sclient=p… more »

Waste not what others would really appreciate.

December 18th, 2011
TV 3 3.jpg Every council clean up more and more late model TVs are put out for collection. Invariable most are trashed by people breaking into them open for copper wireand other salvable material. How many good late model TVs will become superflouous… more »

The original SZS website was taken off because of virus problems and the photos in earlier blogs have yet to be redone

October 26th, 2011
Why waste not what others would really appreciate. Every council clean up more and more late model TVs are put out for collection. Invariable most are trashed by people breaking into them open for copper wireand other salvable material. How many good… more »

Graffiti Camp

October 19th, 2011
NSW Premier O'Farrell has tried but so far failed to get action on graffiti. http://www.mydailynews.com.au/story/2011/08/26/ofarrell-mad-at-graffiti-law-changes/ I emailed him a suggestion last year ----- Original Message ----- From:… more »

Graffiti and how to combat it.

October 13th, 2011
A trip to Singapore shows me how to curb graffiti. Punish those that get caught. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20100818/as-singapore-swiss-graffiti/ Nowhere did I see, while travelling throughout Singapore on train, bus, cable car, by taxi,… more »

New drunk and disorderly laws

October 2nd, 2011
What's this? sometimes comes up when I try to work this PC. Readers of The Daily Telegraph would have asked the same question when they read my letter to the editor on Thursday last about Premier O'Farrell's answer to drunken anti- social behaviour.… more »

No coal seam gas protest rally, St Peters Sept 18

September 19th, 2011
There was a "NO COAL SEAM GAS" rally held in St Peters Sydney yesterday and I googled "breaking news" in the major paperes to see how it went. No mention anywhere. My Telegraph this morning, nothing Sky News did mention the rally and said "several… more »

Violent protests over pollution in China

September 18th, 2011
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/breaking-news/violent-protests-over-pollution-in-china/story-e6freuz9-1226140280857 "HUNDREDS of Chinese have mounted violent protests against a solar panel factory in eastern China over three days, accusing it of… more »

Madison Aston is a big hit

September 13th, 2011
There has been a huge number of hits on this website after people have googled Madison Aston This I wrote last year about the lady in question… more »

To whinge or not to whinge

September 12th, 2011
A repeat of a page "Will there be a freak accident, or a preventable one?" that I put up in July " repeated because of a this news story I read today… more »

MP Andrew Stoner drumming up business

September 12th, 2011
$30,000 eight day business trip. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/sydney-nsw/expensive-adventure-andrew-stoners-30000-us-jaunt/story-e6freuzi-1226128492763 ......................................................................... more »

School's out for 40km/h zones

September 4th, 2011
. "THE NSW government will conduct a review of 40km speed zones outside schools and investigate whether traffic lights and road bridges would be more effective at stopping accidents"… more »

More flashing lights

September 3rd, 2011
"A quarter of NSW schools are set to have the lights installed by the end of the year, with more than 740 flashing light school zones covering more than 900 schools on the cards."… more »

Albanese protest Marrickville

September 1st, 2011
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/angry-group-of-protesters-demand-an-apology-from-labor-mp-anthony-albanese/story-e6freuzr-1226127337275 Below are photos of mostly ordinary people there like me to point out that the smart arse comment in… more »

This is a mother's love

August 31st, 2011

.The government says it won't switch a speed camera back on in Forestville, despite a multi-car crash ...

August 27th, 2011
August 26, 2011: http://www.optuszoo.com.au/tvandvideo/videos .................................................................................................................................................. ----- Original Message ----- From:… more »

The human Centipede II.

August 21st, 2011
How low people will go to make money The sequel to a horror film, it depicts a scientist who grafts together kidnap victims' mouth to anus. ''I didn't think it would be refused classification, but I was surprised that we weren't required to cut it,''… more »

Canberra August anti - carbon tax rally

August 16th, 2011
This is the first photo I took from the bus on the way to the anti - carbon tax rally today Across "lake" George you can see the new way of producing clean green power.... a wind turbine farm Pity there's no wind No THEY weren't speaking at the rally… more »

Official Police Cautions

August 10th, 2011
. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/09/london-riots-kids-parents-police What they need over in London are the Official Police Cautions that minors get here in NSW when they get caught doing graffiti. That always works… more »