Why not?
August 5th, 2009I wrote a post on 23/2/06 about having advertising on school zone signs to pay for them to be fitted with flashing lights. Why won't the RTA allow ads on school zone signs? They have advertising on their pedestrian bridges. Advertising is allowed on… more »
21 hours.
August 3rd, 2009Last week a speed camera in Cleveland st Moore park was featured in the media. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/two-speed-cameras-net-7-million-a-year-for-nsw-government/story-e6freuzr-1225756094341 $7 million in fines from 71,288 drivers… more »
Greedy camera and Graffiti
July 31st, 2009Front page Telegraph story about school zone variable speed cameras in Cleveland st Moore Park making $7 million in one year. Questioned about this amount Mr Daly replied, "What's a child's life worth?" If children's lives are so worthwhile why not… more »
$430 million or road safety ?
July 27th, 2009Victoria Gov collected $430 million in fines in one year from speed cameras xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mobile camera plan to cut NSW road toll Alexandra Smith July 25, 2009 THE Roads Minister, Michael… more »
More schools are to be protected
July 27th, 2009Schools in the Ryde area are to get Peter Olsen's "check speed" flashing lights. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALL SCHOOLS IN RYDE ELECTORATE TO GET FLASHING LIGHTS THANKS TO ROTARY. School zone lights… more »
Graffiti are there consequences?
July 22nd, 2009http://www.theleader.com.au/news/local/news/general/new-plan-to-tackle-the-shires-graffiti-scourge/1758773.aspx 31/10/09 Will he pay the compensation?? http://www.theage.com.au/national/suspended-sentence-for-global-graffiti-artist-20091029-hnpb.html I… more »
Public purse
July 22nd, 2009The excuse for more speed cameras is "It's for road safety" even when the areas targeted are more often for revenue raising Traffic control at roadworks, (any work,)is going the same way. The cost of the Sutherland to Cronulla rail line duplication has… more »
Clearway chaos
July 15th, 2009Coles and Woolworths have fooled people into believing that you can get something for nothing. All you have to do is buy $30 of their high priced groceries, take the receipt to a Shell or Caltex garage and you get 4 cents off per litre of petrol.… more »
Point to point speed cameras
July 10th, 2009Today there was a road safety meeting with GOV RTA and other groups to discuss the road toll that is way up from this time last year. The current roads minister on radio said that speed is still a major factor in accidents. I have suggested in letters… more »
Corporate Responsibility
July 5th, 2009Last Sunday an article appeared in the Sunday Telegraph no doubt following the saga of Ute-gate. It was all about fake emails and a step by step guide how they are done giving website links. As you can see by my category "Is there corporate… more »
A headline waiting to happen.
July 3rd, 2009Is there waste in Railcorp projects?
I told RailCorp that 12 security cameras in a 30 space car park was
"A headline waiting to happen" see… more »
Back to base.
July 2nd, 2009Yesterday (July 1st) as I went past the flashing school zone lights on The Kingsway Miranda opposite University rd, they weren't flashing and it was school zone time. It was very close to 4.00pm so I thought maybe my timepiece was out. This afternoon at… more »
Graffiti # 3
June 30th, 2009The Telegraph did a spread once again on the curse of graffiti vandals http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,,25704891-5001021,00.html http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,,25704933-5001021,00.html (highlight whole link and drag into… more »
June 27th, 2009This page was first posted last week Do Politicians really care about us? utegate scandal rudd utegate turnbull utegate hockey utegate swan utegate The alledged ute gate email, is it a fake or can a minister ask for help on behalf of others? " Hi… more »
Graffiti again
June 26th, 2009After a two page spread in the Leader on June 16 about "over zealous" parking rangers. I emailed the letters page: ----- Original Message ----- From: stephens1510 To: leaderletters@fairfaxmedia.com.au Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 9:29 PM Subject:… more »
June 19th, 2009Dec'08 A meeting was had with the new (current at the moment) roads minister Daley at Peter Olsen's original lights at Peakhurst. http://www.2gb.com/index2.php?option=com_newsmanager&task=view&id=2637 Notice how the lights actually "flash," not… more »
Tale of two carparks
June 17th, 2009The corruption in RailCorp continues with ICAC exposing another bribery scheme. How many more RailCorp employees are sucking at the budget? I pointed out the obvious waste of resources at Cronulla Railway Station and was dealt "spin" (See "RailCorp… more »
Wheel clamp lesson.
June 16th, 2009An idea I rang and suggested to "Stay Safe" committee chairman Paul Gibson MP on 2/2/06 about wheel-clamping cars at owner's house (See "P Plate driver crisis" category) has finally happened. I also rang the Australian Pedestrian Council's Mr Scruby… more »
Bulk billing
June 12th, 2009The "fairer" new-demerit-points-scheme-for-nsw-goes-easy-on-drivers has been fast tracked for July 1 http://www.themotorreport.com.au/34205/new-demerit-points-scheme-for-nsw-goes-easy-on-drivers/ But does this scheme help drivers at school zones?… more »
More speed cameras
June 10th, 2009In The Daily Telegraph 10/06/09 What "new technologies" could be used to rein in speeding drivers? What about the "point to point cameras" (to be used only for trucks), for all drivers? More speed cameras that only catch the unwary average driver. What… more »
Gordon Ramsay a rant or a setup for ratings?
June 7th, 2009Now it's that role model cook Gordon Ramsay's turn to outdo the Chaser show. www.livenews.com.au/tv/tracy-grimshaws-a-lesbian-ramsay-rages/2009/6/7/209165 Last week it was the Chaser TV show crossing all decent boundaries with their sketch.… more »
June 7th, 2009From the Daily Telegraph 5/6/09 Is this the excuse the RTA is looking for to bring in more speed cameras and using the "point to point" speed cameras, on all vehicles www.nswalp.com/blog/730/point-to-point-cameras-to-reduce-heavy-vehicle-fatalities -… more »
Tina Sanger NSW Ministerial advisor
May 30th, 2009This woman with virtually no qualifications, in 8 months went from a telephonist to be a ministerial advisor in the NSW government. http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,25558889-5001021,00.html (drag full link into browser) As I'm… more »
May 24th, 2009This is the latest brainwave to try and fix the school zone problem? http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/dragons-teeth-headed-for-nsw-schools-20090524-bjat.html What would work better to tell a drivers WHEN it's school zone time? (A) Or (b)… more »
THE rollout continues.
May 19th, 2009Peter Olsen is beavering away installing his "check speed" flashing lights at school zones. Big deal.... all you do is put a post in the ground, pour in a bit of quick set concrete, add the lights and presto. If only it was that simple. What about the… more »
Back to base.
May 1st, 2009I did some work in Cedar st Lurgano earlier this week, and passed through two school zones that have Peter Olsen's "home made" flashing lights telling all and sundry that it was school zone time. These cheap lights have been working flawlessly much to… more »
The snowball is getting bigger.
April 29th, 2009There are people that enthusiastically start on a well intentioned mission, and after a while the whole idea becomes too hard, and they do what everybody expects them to do, give up and fade away. Not our Peter Olsen, he knows what he is doing he is… more »
Lights man riles RTA
April 20th, 2009From the Fairfield City Champion. ( 8/04/2009 ) " PETER Olsen is a man on a mission to light up the lives of drivers passing schools. The 51-year-old grandfather, a former computer programmer, is working towards reducing the number of road accidents in… more »
Peter has been busy
April 15th, 2009Last December Peter Olsen said to the Roads Minister that he would put up his warning lights at school zones and true to his word in sun and rain he is doing just that. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX… more »
ICAC probes RTA's corruption
April 2nd, 2009From today's Telegraph ICAC probes RTA's corruption A STRING of senior RTA executives, including former CEO Les Wielinga, were named in a NSW Ombudsman report which has been referred to the state's corruption watchdog. Google "icac railcorp" too, and… more »