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A headline waiting to happen.
I'm sorry there were pictures of my letters to papers, as well as the Hansard page link but what happened with them I don't know (20/10/2016)
Is there waste in Railcorp projects?
I told RailCorp that 12 security cameras in a 30 space car park was
"A headline waiting to happen" see "RailCorp waste" category.
I've had a 4 column headline letter about this car park in the Daily Telegraph beforein December last year also with a four column heading and in today's tele was....
It was the policy of a tobacco company in America to totally ignore the first letter of people complaining of getting sick from smoking their products.
80% of people didn't write again.
I won't stop untill most of those cameras are removed.
I emailed the transport Minister
Original Message -----
From: stephens1510
To: keira@parliament.nsw.gov.au
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 7:43 AM
Subject: RailCorp
Dear Minister,
earlier this year you wrote to me and said you would get the RailCorp's CEO to contact me.after I questioned the need for there to be 12 security cameras in the 30 space staff only car park adjacent to the Cronulla Railway Station.
He did email me and said that the security was because of the, "continuing problem with graffiti vandalism and theft."
But that didn't explain the need for (on average) 2 cameras per car most working days, when there are 16 cameras for the 400 car spaces in the 4 story commuter car park on rail property at Sutherland station.
That "chaser" sketch about cancer kids that caused outrage in the community, came on TV after passing many ABC staff who should have said no to it being aired.
How many RailCorp staff couldn't see this obvious waste of tax payers money at Cronulla to have that number of cameras, as well as the security fence and that earlier 24 hour security guard.
I said at the time, it was a "Headline waiting to happen" (two banner headlines in the Telegraph letter's page so far, and Hansard
http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/PARLMENT/hansart.nsf/V3Key/LA20081127042 )
In the scheme of things this matter is small change for RailCorp, but when such obvious waste is overlooked and excused, I wonder how much more is going on in RailCorp, apart from those matters already under investigation now at ICAC.
Your job is tough enough without having to cover for incompetents signing off on blatant waste for all to see.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully
Hans Stephens
This has come back
----- Original Message -----
From: Minister Campbell's Office
To: stephens1510
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 12:16 PM
Subject: RE: RailCorp
Thank you for your e-mail to the Hon David Campbell MP, Minister for Transport and Minister for the Illawarra.
Your correspondence has been noted and will be given all necessary attention.
Office of the Minister for Transport
Minister for the Illawarra
Ph: 9228 3777
Fx: 9228 3722 .
To be continued.......
This entry was posted on 03 Jul 2009 at 11:43 by hstephens and is filed under RailCorp Waste, .