December 23rd, 2009Just dandy, it's school holidays with balmy nights and lots of bored kids.. To the rescue is Super cheap Auto with it's stock take "special gift lines," catalogue. It's obviously a coincidence that from Boxing day till New Years eve, if one is over 18,… more »
Young offenders act
December 15th, 2009The Leader has printed my letter in today's edition word for word except for adding (former) Premier Rees After visiting 3 Police stations and speaking to rank and file police, (the ones that… more »
Rugby League football season must be finished
December 7th, 2009Maybe there'll be a Liberal anti-graffiti policy coming up. It's the first time I've seen the opposition member for Miranda in the paper for a very long time, apart from mentions of his day job during footy season.… more »
Graffiti "artists"
November 26th, 2009Even though the NSW Premier has promised to get tough on graffiti, it doesn't seem to have deterred some. This artistic effort has appeared up the road, is nothing but mindless wilful vandalism. What will happen when those recently caught appear in… more »
Back to base fault reporting
November 18th, 2009One reason the RTA has for using the "preferred" expensive flashing lights is that they are equipped with a "back to base" fault reporting function. A necessary feature they say, so that units that break down can for the children's safety be repaired… more »
Getting serious
November 14th, 2009Teen arrested for malicious damage at Menai The Police have done their job but what will happen in court? Mayor get's tough???… more »
I feel a police caution coming on
November 12th, 2009Youths arrested over spray paint theft POLICE have charged two youths (15 and 16) with the theft of a large quantity of spray paint… more »
How to get refugees off the Oceanic Viking
November 11th, 2009Step 1 .......Place oily rags in a 44 gallon drum and position the drum near the ship's ventilation system. Step 2 .......Set fire to drum making sure that the smoke gets around whole ship and can be seen from shore Step 3 .....Have lots of fire alarms… more »
Police Cautions UK style
November 10th, 2009Will Police cautions here end up like in the UK? "it was claimed that up to 40,000 assaults a year are dealt with by a caution issued by the police instead of the offender being prosecuted in court. In cases cited today, a 15-year-old boy was cautioned… more »
Graffiti group nabbed
November 9th, 2009Just missed out on Jail How lucky were they that the Premier tough new jail laws weren't in yet No reply as yet to my email about graffiti to my local MP Barry… more »
Police Cautions for vandals
November 8th, 2009Links for newspaper stories about 3 lots of graffiti "artists caught and let go in the last 6 weeks.… more »
Get young crims back on the streets faster.
November 8th, 2009 ..................................................................................................................................................… more »
Which costs more?
November 5th, 2009RTA "preferred" flashing lights installed today at The Boulevarde Gymea near The Princes highway. Note the brake lights… more »
Getting 'tough' on graffiti vandals
November 4th, 2009Graffiti vandals sentenced to talking, tea and scones "It makes me mad, but you can't tell teenagers anything - or you can, but they… more »
Official Police Caution.
November 2nd, 2009We are urged to "look out for vandals during the holidays" Because graffiti vandals mainly sneak around at night to do their destructive rubbish, they… more »
Close to home
November 1st, 2009Two doors up from my place is a council "park" that used to have a climbing fort swings and a slide, but they were removed for some reason leaving only a seat. Last night to make the streetscape better some grub has sprayed one fence I've emailed the… more »
Supercheap Auto, super smart
October 25th, 2009Fly spray in Summer, cold and Flu medicine in Winter. Business targets a need. Two weeks ago Supercheap Auto featured on a TV ad during the V8 Bathurst 1000 CHN 7 telecast, a "special" on 4 cans of spray paint for $10. Aerosol paint spray cans are the… more »
October 21st, 2009....................................................................... On the Kingsway Miranda ....................................................................... No comment from my Mayor Cr Kelly about Super cheap Auto's help in the fight against… more »
No reply
October 18th, 2009This house owned by Railcorp in Sutherland about 1 1/2 kl/mh from Sutherland Council Chambers was repainted by graffiti vandals. eyesore/1651369.aspx ( Drag all of above link into your… more »
Supercheap Auto the graffiti vandals friend
October 12th, 2009The Bathurst 1000 V8 car race is the NO 1 motor race in Australia. Channel 7 did a magnificent job to bring the drama into my lounge room. The necessary advertising was pitched at mainly the male market. On a large track side SUPERCHEAP AUTO billboard… more »
October 8th, 2009Feel free to clean up your tags says mayor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was… more »
Work to rule
September 24th, 2009In Willarong (South) just off Captain Cook drive Caringbah is a school zone fitted with a set of flashing lights as you turn right off Capt Cook drive into Willarong the school zone sign is so close to the corner, the flashing lights so high, fitted… more »
Road safety not revenue.
September 19th, 2009As I told Jason Morrison on 2GB this morning whenever they announce new speed cameras they always say that the money from the fines isn't important, and they wouldn't care if no driver was fined. To sound even more genuine, revenue from cameras was… more »
South street Kogarah
September 10th, 2009When I first stood in my Santa suit at the Kogarah school zone and waved my sign (Dec '04)I could see that South st entry to that school zone was a problem Drivers sit at the lights waiting for the lights,… more »
Speed cameras are easier and more profitable
September 6th, 2009The NSW road toll is 63 higher than this time last year So the answer it seems is more speed cameras… more »
5 more school zones are safer.
Chinese whispers
August 25th, 2009This came in my inbox (cut and paste didn't work) I sent the email to Peter Olsen for a response and back came As I said in a reply email to the "Concerned Citizen" if he/she would like to add anything more, I'll gladly post it here. Why is it necessary… more »
Flashing lights are effective
August 20th, 2009"This new technology was found to be highly visible and effective at slowing people down." This was said by Rockdale Member Frank Sator on his web site He was announcing the… more »
First Base.
August 19th, 2009A reply to my email(s) emailed the NSW Premier and they have been passed on. "Firse Base" My email to the Road Minister 21/11/08 (below) didn't get a result, last Year will it now? ......................................................................… more »
More NSW schools to get safety lights
August 9th, 2009Another 38 school zones are to get flashing lights. "These 25 sites have been selected on the basis of strict criteria including crash history and risk, traffic and… more »