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The wheels of the RTA grind slowly
Sorry but where photos were, are now marked with the x
Don't know why.
At long last after three and a half years, 4 emails to then Roads Minister Roozendaal, one to the next Roads Minister Micheal Daly and a copy of the same which I handed to him personally, and then an email about the same subject to the next Roads Minister the Minister David Borger there are now flashing lights on the King Georges rd Beverly Hills school zone sign, going South.
This is the school zone sign I've said is needed to be larger and to have flashing lights, to help remind or inform drivers that even though this is nowhere near a school, it is a school zone.
More of the saga at Beverly hills, (where I spent a fortnight highlighting the problems at this school zone), and the emails I sent to road ministers and newspapers
I helped the children by slowing down traffic.
I sent the Roads Minister David Borger this email about my concerns re Beverly Hills earlier this year
Original Message -----
From: stephens1510
To: minister@borger.minister.nsw.gov.au
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 4:10 PM
Subject: 2GB interview with Jason Morrison
Dear Minister,
Congratulations on your interview with Jason Morrison recently, many a politician wouldn't have accepted the interview but you not only fronted in person, but you took live calls from listeners, and as when you were on air when housing minister you did well.
Mobile speed cameras are not something the public is entirely happy with, but it will slow down traffic.
Sadly it will catch many good average drivers unaware they have drifted a few k/mph over the limit so you can expect a bit of flak when the warnings sent out now, are real infringement notices.
I've had a few tickets in the 10 years I drove taxis, and never was it for something I hadn't done.
Could you have a look at how you could, in the interest of road safety spend a bit of the money raised from the camera vans on a concern of mine.
I emailed Mr Roozendl 4 times about this, handed the then roads Minister Daly a copy of an unanswered email I sent them and he said after reading it "I can't do anything about that" (or words very similar ) which I thought was a strange statement for the boss of roads.
My website www.schoolzonesanta.com explains more easily my request, which is an extra set of flashing lights Southbound at the Beverly Hills school zone on King Geoges rd.
I stood at the Southbound camera the Thurs (am ) school zone time before Easter, and the Friday before the Queens Birthday weekend and I could tell by the faces of drivers that were flashed by that camera as they passed, they had no idea that they'd just lost eight points.
Thank you for your time
Regards Hans stephens
Today (DEC 20) in the mail came a letter from the Parlimentary Secretary for Roads
The cropped letter reads
and the scene now at Beverly Hills:
So now the drivers if they stop at a red light at Morgan st (back a bit out of photo) they will see the light flashing away to remind them they're in the school zone when they start off again..
This entry was posted on 19 Dec 2010 at 20:42 by hstephens and is filed under Beverly Hills, .