The definition of superfluous is something that is more than needed or unnecessary. An example of superfluous is a buying a stuffed animal for a child who already has too many stuffed animals. YourDictionary definition and usage example.
A new SUPERFLUOUS sign has been added onto some of the new Hi-Vis clearway signs on the King Georges corridor.
If you can't park here during the allotted clearway times, and it's no parking at all other times, why not put up one
"NO PARKING sign?"
What am I missing?
And just two power poles North, this was on show
The ONE top coach bolt had come loose, (a Blakehurst breeze perhaps) and the sign combination had swung down and left hanging on it's remaining (finger tight) bottom bolt.)
Not quite good enough, when this sign was put up less than a month ago, after I spoke to Ms. Hillary Johnson Director clearways

And as this topsy turvy sign swung gently in the Blakehurst winds, it's bracket make the neat circuler pattern on the pole.
Rather than leave this new sign combination there,
I took it home, and found out why it had come loose.

On the back there protruds from the brackets, the thread of a coach bolt, top and bottom.
The bottom thread looks longer, but the paint scraper at the top shows what actually goes into the power pole.
There it is,
That's how much of old coach bolt thread went into that old power pole.
I'd have to go back and have a look, but I assume the RMS person would've used the same hole to fasten the clearway sign with it's new companion "no standing at all times" sign.
I will go back anyway to put them up with longer coach bolts.
And I did.
I put the sign back up Tues 19 new holes, longer coach bolts.and it won't fall off again.