Speed Cameras

October 21st, 2010
This story was in the Telegraph http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/our-82m-speed-traps-revealed/comments-e6freuy9-1225939875110 "Dave of Sydney" commented on the Cleveland st cameras and said exactly what I was thinking, how many drivers get… more »

Speed Cameras

September 14th, 2010
Here's a web site with worldwide information about speed cameras http://www.policespeedcameras.info/Speed_Camera_News_Canada/canada_news.html The hoon laws in Canada are impressive. (2nd story) more »

RTA admits speed camera at fault

August 4th, 2010
Nearly 400 Sydney drivers will have fines returned and demerit points wiped out after the Roads and Traffic Authority admitted a faulty camera was randomly snapping cars. The fixed digital school zone camera on the Kingsway at Miranda took photos of… more »

One extra flashing Light set

August 1st, 2010
I emailed Road Ministers Roozendaal, Dally and now Borger to get an extra set of flashing lights at Beverly Hills without sucess, and they have collected $111 million in fines at school zones since I first asked. In todays Sunday Telegraph MORE than 900… more »

Dear Minister Borger

July 24th, 2010
The Hon. David Borger BEc MP ----- Original Message ----- From: stephens1510 To: minister@borger.minister.nsw.gov.au Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 3:10 PM Subject: 2GB interview with Jason Morrison Dear Minister, Congratulations on your interview with… more »

Fudgy Figures

July 16th, 2010
After seeing Treasurer Swan he didn't know when it was polling day as if Ms Gillard wouldn't discuss the date with him I sent this into the Daily Telegraph and was printed today This line was not printed "because unless Ms Gillard doesn't consult and… more »

State's revolving door

June 7th, 2010
I sent this letter in last September after a promise by the new NSW Premier he made after he had just finished a cabinet reshuffle.… more »

Supercheap Auto's graffiti toys for the boys.

May 15th, 2010
There are great efforts made to combat graffiti vandalism by Councils and the State Government. http://www.graffiti.nsw.gov.au/ SuperCheap Auto aren't doing much to help. http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/catalogue-au.aspx During on a motoring TV show on… more »

How to email politicians

May 1st, 2010
If you need help from an elected leader all you need to do is email them ...right? Well the chances are that your email won't be acknowledged, let alone answered. I tried to get an opinion from Federal Politicians as can be seen on… more »

Politicial priority

April 10th, 2010
Sunday Telegraph 6 April 2010 The only thing they left out was my other website www.protectkids.com.au xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx more »

Double demerit misery

April 1st, 2010
I went to the Beverly Hills school zone this morning which is start of the Easter break double demerits for certain traffic offences. Between 8.00am and 9.30 am I counted the speed camera flash (South bound) go off 9 times. 8.10..... lane 3 8.25 ....… more »


March 17th, 2010
"Last Thursday a 22-year-old woman was attacked just two minutes from Waverley police station. Police arrived almost an hour later. They told her her case had been given the wrong response category."… more »

Not too well it appears...(see last blog)

March 12th, 2010
Today in The Daily Telegraph was the answer to my question of 3 days ago SNAP SURVEY - THERE'S WASTE AND RIP-OFFS IN SCHOOL BUILDINGS. "MORE than half of the state's schools are unhappy with their new halls, libraries or classrooms built under the… more »

How's the school hall building plan going?

March 9th, 2010
Will it be the next roof insulation type headache for the Government? "BUREAUCRATS have told a public school that it cannot build a hall for 320 students within a $2.5 million budget, even though a nearby Catholic school built one to fit up to 1000… more »

Beef Import Risk Analysis

March 8th, 2010
I came in towards the end of an interview on radio by Alan Jones and Simon Crean Minister for Trade, and when I heard a "risk analysis" was done on beef imports my pupils dilated and I sent into The Daily Telegraph this email. Alan Jones read out my… more »

Surprise surprise

February 28th, 2010
Back in 2005 I posted this page on 16/1/2007 about the stupid placement of school zone signs. SEE: http://schoolzonesanta.com/index.php/2007/01/16/where_s_common_sense This is a photo of one clever example on the corner of King Georges rd and Moorfields… more »

Roof insulation, it's going well

February 25th, 2010
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/breaking-news more »

Waratah st Kirrawee shop mural

February 23rd, 2010
This mural was painted on the shop wall last year and I commented about it on the "Graffiti" category. Today I received an email from one of the "crew" who painted it. He/she (the email was anonymous) said it took 8 hours to complete and they paid for… more »

Garrett pulls plug on insulation scheme,

February 20th, 2010
The ceiling has fallen in on Minister Garrett's insulation scheme. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/politics/insulation-scams-hit-160000/story-e6frgczf-1225832389556… more »

What a waste of time and money.

February 18th, 2010
The insulation nonsense continues. More and mores stories of shoddy dealings with installers. The whole scheme is on borrowed time. There will be many firms stuck with unusable insulation. It happened to garden sprinkler businesses A customer of mine in… more »


February 6th, 2010
Insulation installers are coming out of the woodwork (from lawn mowing contractors to men from hire a hubby, cashing in on a Federal Government "green" initiative worth $2.7 billion to put pink batts in the roof of Australian homes. But along with good… more »


February 4th, 2010
I went to the Tower of hope rally at Parliament House Canberra Feb 2. A great turnout of people who support the stand that Peter Spencer had made for unfair treatment by Governments. Farmers from around the country marched to Parliament House to… more »


January 27th, 2010
New graffitti laws call for 10 year olds to be jailed for graffitti vandalism. http://www.graffiti.nsw.gov.au/ This scarey thought doesn't seem to deter morons in Kirrawee. Three different nights in the last three weeks. Corner Waratah and Oak rd .… more »

Ban longer lasting sex

January 26th, 2010

Peter Spencer ends hunger strike on day 52

January 13th, 2010
. Peter Spencer has ended his hunger strike he started to highlight the Kyoto land use stealing by the Government. The ABC has mentioned this fact on their website and 7.00 pm News Broadcast http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/13/2791513.htm Now… more »

Peter Spencer Day 50

January 10th, 2010
There is to be a concerted effort tomorrow on the 50th day of farmer Peter Spencer's hunger strike to get his desperate plight the attention it's needed all along. Radio 2GB is going to have a Peter Spencer day and with a bit of listener effort the rest… more »

Day 45

January 6th, 2010
More info from channel 7 "TODAY TONIGHT" http://au.todaytonight.yahoo.com/article/6650132/general/farmer-protest more »

Hunger strike DAY 43

January 4th, 2010
Peter Spencer supporters are off to Canberra to protest, not being able to go I did park a sign on the Princes Highway at Sylvania to at least make Sydney bound drivers think and hopefully read up on Peter's case. Not much sympathy for Peter Spencer at… more »

Hunger Strike Peter Spencer

January 2nd, 2010
Peter Spencer's hunger strike Day 42 Why Aussi farmer Peter Spencer is desperate enough to go on a hunger strike on a platform up a tower. Listen to this interview recorded on 2SM Sat 2/01/09, and we live in a Democracy?… more »

Carbon sink

December 26th, 2009
A Shannons Flat farmer Peter Spencer on a property near Cooma NSW, is on a hunger strike because of laws that prevent him clearing and using his land. HIS land!!! Now because of a signature (not his) on a bit of paper, his land is now deemed a "carbon… more »